Recreation is whatever it is you do in your spare time for enjoyment. That may be going for a bike ride or trail run, playing competitive sport, taking the dog to to the dog park, going for a stroll around your neighbourhood or engaging in local culture, be that art music or theatre.
Recreation is key for happy and healthy communities. Without recreation life can be a drag. Recreation connects us to people and place and often involves physical exercise. Council is an essential part of our recreation activities. Council provides, maintains and improves almost all of the spaces used for recreation, including:
Bushland - Kunayi/Mount Wellington Knocklofty, Queens Domain, Waterworks etc.
Sporting facilities and ovals
Road and footpaths
Community halls
Community gardens
Dog parks
Communal shelters and barbecue facilities
And much more
Hiking/Trail Running

One of Hobart's key assets is Kunanyi/Mount Wellington. Many locals and tourists alike love to get up on The Mountain to get some cool mountain air and exercise. Council is responsible for managing this reserve. I believe The Mountain should be:
Managed sensitively, considering environmental and cultural significance
A place for all to enjoy, including those less able
A place of safety - signage should assist walkers and trails should be well marked to avoid search and rescues
Easy to access - improvements can be made to improve access including safety enhancements to the roadway and surrounds, resurfacing works, and subsidy of the bus service.
Sporting Facilities and Playing Fields

Sports are a key element of a happy, healthy and cohesive society. Whether its A grade football, under 7s soccer or social touch football, many people in society partake in organised sports. I believe sports facility management is a key responsibility of council. I support Council to:
Ensure all playing surfaces are maintained to a high standard
Review supporting infrastructure , like clubhouses and spectator facilities to ensure they meet community expectations
Work with clubs and stakeholders to ensure their infrastructure is appropriate and well maintained to suit their unique needs
Mountain Biking

Mountain biking is an incredibly popular sport, that is growing in popularity with every passing year. The construction and maintenance of a variety of trails, supports the mountain biking community to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Mountain biking is also a tourism draw card that Hobart City has not fully capitalised to date. I believe council should:
Expedite the construction of the proposed "riding the Mountain" plan using world class trail builders
Review existing mountain bike trails, both formal and informal to further enhance the riding experience by constructing and supporting cohesive and connected loops within the network
Consider building some supportive infrastructure like barbecue shelters, toilets and water fountains at popular mountain bike destinations